Obtaining a Diagnosis
The National Autism Plan for Children (NAPC) produced by the National Initiative for Autism Screening and Assessment gives clear guidance in relation to the identification assessment and diagnosis of children with Autistic Spectrum. You can download a summary opposite.
The National Autistic Society can provide you with a list of diagnostic centres in your area.
At the time of writing the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) is consulting on new guidelines for autism diagnosis.
If you have any concerns about your child, you should talk to your GP in the first instance.
It can sometimes help to talk to another parent who has faced the same issues. If you call the Child Autism UK helpline on 01344 882248 we can organise for you to speak to a parent in your area.
After obtaining a diagnosis of autism there are a number of steps – including organising suitable education and behavioural analysis, such as ABA, and funding programmes of assistance often with the support of an EHC plan. Child Autism UK can offer advice and assistance with these steps.